FSC Training Consortium

ASTRAcademy is looking forward to the upcoming meeting with professionals engeged in managing certification, auditing and training in the FSC sytem, which will take place at the FSC International Center in Bonn on the 15th of December. We hope that at end of this meeting we will have clear ideas on how we can work together to strenthen training to FSC auditors, and improve the quality of auditing to FSC standards. Aaditionally we hope to explore options relating to new services to the certification body community and potentially also to the forest products industry engaging with the FSC, its standards and certification systems.

New online training on the FSC P&C V5-2 and the International Generic Indicators (IGI)

We are also glad to let you know that ASTRAcademy is now updating the training materials relating to the Forest Management Auditor course. A brand new and comprehensive online training on the FSC Principles, Criteria and International Generic Indicators (IGI) will be available beginning with January, and will become part of our regular FSC FM Auditor course. In order to facilitate full compliance by auditors and certification bodies with accreditation requirements, additional updates to our courses will take into account the new version of the main accreditation standard in the FSC system FSC-STD-20-001 V4.

FM Auditor training to support CBs accredited for COC/CW bridge the gap relating to controlled wood audits at forest management unit level 

Feedback we recieved from some CBs accredited only for FSC COC/CW indicates that there is a gap in the ability of these CBs to comply with all FSC requirements relating to Controlled Wood, especially in those cases where no FM qualified auditors and/or staff are available for CW audits that require field visits at forest level, and for decision-making relating to CW. We are happy to work with these CBs and help them bridge this gap through our FSC FM Auditor course scheduled for March 2016. In addition to the current requirements for FM auditors, this course will emphasise auditing to FSC CW standards at forest management unit level, according to FSC-STD-30-010.

FSC Auditor courses in early 2016

Our next auditor courses, schduled for the first three months of 2016, include several training events directed at auditors, CB staff, FSC staff, consultants and industry representatives:                    

We look forward to welcoming you or your fellow auditors, consultants or industry representatives on one of our upcoming courses in 2016. Take this opportunity to learn about FSC  standards and their practical implementation, to meet and work with other professionals engaged with the implementation of sustainability standards. 

Now, at the end of 2015, we would also like to use this opportunity to convey to the FSC standard setting and assurance community our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2016!
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