Online course on the currently valid version of the FSC Chain of Custody Standard.
Part of ASTRAcademy online courses for auditors to FSC standards.
The course covers all requirements of the standard FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1, and consists of 6 e-learning modules and a final quiz. It includes core labour requirements that are part of this version of the FSC COC standard.
Course Categories
Online and Blended Courses* Northern countries: Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Brunei, Canada, China,
Equatorial Guinea, European Union (except Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland and Romania), Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New
Zealand, Norway, Quatar, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea,
Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, USA and Vatican City State.
* Southern countries: all other countries.